“First Steps” for every DIY Hero

2014-08-16 09.44.54
Grog & Ogg

Every Journey Has a “First Step”

Some helpful First Step tips for those heading out on the DIY journey…

So, as we stand before what can best be described as nature’s “eye candy”, the 14,409’ high Mount Rainier in Washington State, USA, it’s fitting to get real about the thought of climbing to the top of it. Sure, it’s quite a compelling dream and certainly not a journey without risk but considering the challenge is also a quick lesson in the classroom of life. I attend this class frequently and if you’re not already a regular attendee, I warmly invite you to join in the fun. Most certainly we’re all enrolled in the school of life so we can spend our tuition wisely or…waste it away on dreams never lived and challenges never answered. To live a dream and answer a challenge is to take a journey…much like climbing that mountain. All journeys, long or short, easy or hard, start with that “first step” and when taking on a new DIY project there are a few things to consider before heading out on that trail of adventure. If we take a small bit of time before getting started to prepare for the trip, it’s much easier to step with confidence and enjoy the view along the way. Even when we travel down a path or tackle a project we’ve never done before. Below are some helpful pointers that are arranged to easily remember. Keep it S.I.M.P.L.E!


First, safety of yourself and those around you is a big deal. So big in fact that it’s burden cannot be passed off to someone else. Yes, read the warning labels. Yes read any instructions provided. Yes pay attention to those around you and the risks involved. Always remember its your job. Government agencies and safety laws do little to keep you safe when you’re not doing your part. If I sound like I’m nagging here, maybe I am just a little. I simply speak from personal experience: “it’s not someone elses job to keep me safe.” It’s a healthy way to live and once you get used to owning your own safety you begin to grow in healthy confidence, able to move forward into the unknown with a natural awareness of what’s going on around you. It’s a very strong place to be and an excellent platform from which you can reach out and help those around you.


Whether you like to read books, look at pictures, watch videos, or power search the interweb, information abounds and really the only reason not to have it is because we don’t look or ask. It’s always a great idea to get a good grip on the information surrounding your project before getting started. By doing this we can often save countless hours and much energy because having that information allows us to plan and map out our project (even if only an easy project in our heads). Its so much easier to get where you want to go when you have a map.


Why? What for? How come? These seem like trite little questions at times but knowing the answers to these questions before you start can give you some definite clarity of mind when you’re in the middle of a project and maybe even getting tired of working on it. Having the answers to these questions right there in the back of your mind works wonders when the clock strikes “I’m-tired-thirty” and you need to pull up your big people panties to work till you finish.


Most, if not all, projects can be broken down into incrimental tasks. Some of these tasks can be easy ones and others may be more difficult. If you’ve identified a task that’s more difficult for you, take the opportunity to practice the task in a way that is either away from the project or even in an area of the project that is less critical or doesn’t matter. It’s amazing that once you practice something a bit first, it’s so much easier to get it like you want it when it counts.


Gathering information is important but also remember that learning along the way from everything you do is the prize. Learn from each step how to do it better the next time and learn from each mistake how to avoid it later. Keep your heart and mind wide open to learn and always pay attention in the classroom of life. What you learn from each project is nearly always applicable to the next…..whether you know it or not.


Set about to have some fun. Any job is easier if you’re enjoying it along the way and before you even start it can help to remember the fun factor. Sure maybe part of it won’t be a “party like a rock star” moment but often projects are laced with lots of fun stuff. Even when you’re done and it’s well past “I’m-tired-thirty” and way into “I-need-sleep-o’clock”. But you’re done! Take a few minutes to look about you and appreciate the fruit of your own efforts. Kudos may come later from your friends and family but first, enjoy your success. In the world of mountain climbing it’s often said “we don’t climb the mountain to conquer the mountain, we climb it to conquer ourselves.” In the world of DIY there is a secret: we are the project. Enjoy.


Flex pose if you must! YOU are theDIYHero!

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